The mission of Charlotte Friends of Jung Inc. is to nurture a community based on the insights of C.G. Jung and those who have amplified his work. We offer engaging broad-based educational programs led by regional experts and international speakers. Membership is open to anyone interested in studying the teachings and ideas associated with Jungian thought.

For more than 35 years Charlotte Friends of Jung has served as a forum to enhance and deepen the understanding of the importance of depth psychological principles, unconscious dynamics and the healing power of imagination, dreams, myths and so much more. To that end, we offer a diverse array of programs that include the arts, writing, music, film and other related fields of interest.

The difference between the "natural" individuation process, which runs its course unconsciously, and the one which is consciously realized, is tremendous. In the first case consciousness nowhere intervenes; the end remains as dark as the beginning. In the second case so much darkness comes to light that the personality is permeated with light, and consciousness necessarily gains in scope and insight. The encounter between conscious and unconscious has to ensure that the light which shines in the darkness is not only comprehended by the darkness, but comprehends it.  ― C.G. Jung, Answer to Job 

2024-2025 Virtual Season:

Charlotte Friends of Jung is excited to have lined up five gifted presenters for the upcoming 2024-2025 season. The goal of our topics this year, and it could be argued every year, is to offer our community support for conscious Individuation. We  begin with Kenneth James  on The Process of Individuation October 4th followed by Lori Pye with An Ecological Perspective on the subject November 1st.  Dylan Martinez Francisco has An Indigenous, Animist Inquiry into Individuation on January 24th.  Susan Schwartz returns  to explore the Imposter Syndrome and Illusions in the Mirror. For our final program of the season, Sean Kelly will help us in Reimagining the Unus Mundus in a Time of Planetary Emergency. We hope you can join us for this outstanding season.

Go to our Calendar  page for full descriptions of each program.

We will continue to host all five of this season’s presentations  virtually. We’ve combined our traditional format of Friday evening lecture and Saturday morning workshop into one engaging experience. If you have a computer or smart phone and an internet connection, you’ll not only be able to enjoy some compelling events, you’ll be able to interact with our presenters and chat with some of your Jungian friends. 

Registration is easier than ever! We’re offering a single membership rate (good for all individuals within a household) of $74. Membership includes free access to all five of the current season’s programs along with recordings of each so you can view those you miss at your convenience--and rewatch them often as you like. You'll also have access to prior season's recordings.  Registration for individual programs is available as well for $25. To purchase, look for the Square logo on our Calendar page. As always, need-based scholarships are available. Don't hesitate to ask.

CFJ has transitioned solely to on online and email communications. Without long registration lines, paper newsletters, and paper payment receipts, our new procedures will be simpler for you and better for the environment. If we don't already have your email address, click here to register for communication, to receive links to programming and e-newsletter.