Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people. — C.G. Jung 

All programs this season will be virtual over Zoom. Four of our five programs will be on Friday evenings beginning at 7pm Eastern, lasting  about 2 - 2 1/2 hours.   Links will be sent out about five days before the programs and again on the day of the program. Scroll down for full program descriptions. Membership is for current season programs along with recordings of all programs in our library going back to 2020-2021 season. Members are automatically registered for all programs. The programs will be recorded but will not include participants images in the recordings.

Friday, October 4, 2024

7:00 pm Eastern (approx. 2-2 1/2 hours)

The Process of Individuation in Jungian Psychology

Presenter: Kenneth W. James, Ph.D. , I.A.A.P. 

The "Process of Individuation in Jungian Psychology" presentation will delve into one of Carl Gustav Jung's most profound contributions to analytical psychology. The session explores the journey toward self-realization and wholeness, a concept Jung termed "individuation."

 We will begin with an introduction to fundamental Jungian concepts essential for understanding individuation. Key terms such as the collective unconscious, archetypes, the persona, the shadow, the anima/animus, and the Self will be defined and discussed. This foundation will provide a common language for participants and set the stage for a deeper exploration of the individuation process.

The core of the program will reflect on the path of individuation. We will explore how people move from a state of undifferentiated potential that is mainly unconscious to a progressively stronger relationship between the ego complex and the Self. This journey requires commitment and intentionality because, among other things, it requires confronting and integrating various aspects of the psyche, including the shadow (the repulsive, darker parts of the personality) and the anima/animus (the attractive inner other). The role of dreams, active imagination, and creative expression in facilitating this process will be highlighted.

Jung believed that symbols and myths play a crucial role in individuation. We will examine how recurring motifs in myths, fairy tales, and personal dreams can guide individuals toward greater self-awareness and integration. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their own experiences and the symbolic language of their unconscious.

To put theory into practice, we will discuss strategies for continuing the individuation journey, such as dreamwork, journaling, and using synchronistic experiences to encourage interaction between consciousness and the unconscious.

The session will conclude with an open Q&A segment, allowing participants to share their thoughts and ask questions. This interactive component aims to deepen understanding and provide practical tools for the individuation journey.

Kenneth James, Ph.D., is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Chicago, Illinois. He is the founder and director of The Soulwork Center, dedicated to facilitating the process of individuation according to C.G. Jung. Dr. James received a Ph.D. in Communicative Sciences and Disorders from Northwestern University, and a Diploma in Analytical Psychology from the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago. Along the way, he studied vocal music at the American Conservatory of Music and learned a modality of music therapy known as The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music at the Institute for Consciousness and Music in Baltimore, Maryland. He also completed four years of post-doctoral study in theology and scripture at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Dr. James holds the rank of professor emeritus after a 35-year career as a university professor. He has served on the faculty at Roosevelt University, Northeastern Illinois University, and Northwestern University. He worked for many years as the Director of Student Services at the University of Chicago’s Laboratory Schools where he coordinated services for students with learning, emotional and behavioral needs, and he now devotes his professional time exclusively to the practice of Jungian analysis and the training of new analysts. Dr. James has led workshops around the world on the relationship between divination and synchronicity, and on the use of the Tarot to explore the unconscious. The relationship between Jungian thought, clinical practice, and esoterica has been a strong motif of his work throughout his career. 

Friday, November 1, 2024

7:00 pm Eastern (approx. 2-2 1/2 hours)

Mulching Individuation: 

An Ecological Psychology Perspective

Presenter: Lori Pye, Ph.D.  

The notion of individuation, central to Jungian psychology, is described as a maturation process by which the individual is formed. Having as its goal the development of the individual psychological self, remain entangled in humancentric and internocentric narratives that support individualism and exceptionalism.


Ecological psychology (ecopsychology) offers a few different ideas to imagine maturation or ripening  as nondeterministic, noninternocentric, and nonhumancentric composting intra-actions that reposition different narratives, behaviors, and practices. As ecological organisms, we (humans) have never been individuals biologically, anatomically, physiologically, genetically, or psychologically. In simple terms, we can shift the notion of “I” or “self” to “we.”


How we engage in maturation as a psychological symbiosis with far more extensive processes and possibilities is the topic of this presentation.

Dr. Lori Pye is a Founder and President of Viridis Graduate Institute with a focus of Ecological Psychology and Environmental Humanities - Lori has worked with numerous NGOs to co-develop the Eastern Tropical Pacific Biological Seascape Corridor with the Ministers of the Environment from Costa Rica, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador. Dr. Pye has multiple publications in peer-reviewed journals and serves on the Editorial Board for Ecopsychology Journal. Dr. Pye lectures at Viridis Graduate Institute, and the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB). She formerly taught at Pacifica Graduate Institute and Kaweah Delta Mental Health Hospital Psychiatric Residency Program. Forthcoming textbook: Fundamentals of Ecological Psychology, Routledge

Friday, January 24, 2025

7:00 pm Eastern (approx. 2-2 1/2 hours)

Individuation: Colonization or Decolonization of the Psyche?

An Indigenous, Animist Inquiry

Presenter: Dylan Martinez Francisco, Ph.D.  

Basile Morin, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Culture colors how we understand and engage with depth psychological concepts. This is particularly true of C. G. Jung’s perspective on individuation—the movement towards the realization of psychological wholeness. The depth psychological community must critically evaluate Western culture’s influence on how individuation is conceptualized, so that we do not enact ways of relating to the psyche that only perpetuate unconscious colonialist assumptions and attitudes—that inflict a hierarchical process of subjugation and dominance over psychological realities. Dylan Martinez Francisco’s presentation will provide a detailed inquiry into how to recognize colonialist assumptions and attitudes carried by popular notions of individuation, and provide a detailed counterpoint from an Indigenous, animist perspective on how individuation can be engaged in a way that embodies a liberatory approach to the psyche—and therefore to other humans, and the animated world—since how we relate to the psyche becomes paradigmatic for how we relate to all of life.   

Dylan Martinez Francisco, Ph.D., is co-chair and a core professor of the Jungian and Archetypal Studies specialization in the Depth Psychology M.A./Ph.D. program at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California. Dylan grounds his teaching in the depth psychology of C. G. Jung, decolonialism, and Mestizo/Mexican/Indigenous traditions that provide a primordial, holistic, and sacred worldview within which to understand the psyche, to embody its wholeness individually, and to live it relationally through honoring Spirit, the ancestors, and the land. 

Friday, February 28, 2025

7:00 pm Eastern (approx. 2-2 1/2 hours)

‘As-If’ Personality: 

Imposter Syndrome and Illusions in the Mirror 

Presenter: Susan E. Schwartz, Ph.D.  

The imposter and what is here called the ‘as-if’ personality is defined by the central question, Who am I, really?

The answer will reflect identity with goals, purposes, meanings in life rather than the masks of superficial answers to the superficial question, ‘What is your name and where are you from?’ Identity in this more encompassing sense isn’t fixed, handed down or unconscious. Rather, it is something shaped and determined over time. A person’s identity is a matter of what they are about and is reflected in accessing the passions of life.

The phrase ‘as if’ can be characterized by the narcissism of façade, fragility, fraudulent and vulnerable, bounded by a wall of impenetrability. The person is veiled in an appealing but elusive persona based on precarious sense of self. The ‘as-if’ person faces a conundrum whether to hide or expose the truth of who they are. Feelings of loss, limitation and curtailment, alienation, and obsolescence are prevalent yet concealed with glitzy persona/imposter and social media driven images. Intimacy and being emotionally present are difficult. The ‘as-if’ person withdraws into phantasy. Those living ‘as-if’ are estranged from their true selves at the cost of their desires and passions. The relationship to life outwardly appears 'as-if' it was complete yet there is a haunting sense of lack and genuineness. Existence is singular. Very possibly we know these struggles as they are part of us.

The subjects include aging, the cultural influence of social media, the role of the father, transferences, and body image. The recognition of the unconscious, a hallmark of Jungian analytical psychology is based on the incorporation of the dissociated personality parts into the self, reflecting rather than the mask of singularity but the multiplicity of the psyche.

Susan E. Schwartz, Ph.D., trained in Zurich, Switzerland as a Jungian analyst is also a clinical psychologist and member of the International Association of Analytical Psychology. She presents to numerous Jungian conferences and teaching programs in the USA and worldwide.

Susan has articles in many journals and chapters in books on Jungian analytical psychology. Her book The Absent Father Effect on Daughters, Father Desire, Father Wounds is translated into several languages. In 2023 The Imposter Syndrome and The ‘As-If’ Personality: The Fragility of Self and in 2024 will appear Girl Unfolding—Puella’s Emergence: A Jungian Exploration, all published by Routledge. Her Jungian analytical practice is in Paradise Valley, Arizona and her website is:

Friday, April 4, 2025

7:00 pm Eastern (approx. 2-2 1/2 hours)


Reimagining the Unus Mundus in a Time of Planetary Emergency

Presenter: Sean Kelly, Ph.D.  

Beginning with his early precognitive vision of the catastrophe of the First World War, and up to his late reflections on the significance of the UFO phenomenon and his death-bed vision regarding the end times, Jung maintained a sensitivity to world historical events and their apocalyptic implications. While he did not foresee the specific character of our own accelerating planetary emergency, he did anticipate some essential features of the Anthropocene, or Gaianthropocene, as Sean Kelly has proposed to call the new age that is upon us. In this talk, Kelly will draw from Jung’s  life work, including the core insight into the nature of the Self as complexio oppositorum and Jung’s appropriation of the alchemical idea of the unus mundus, to help us understand the deeper meaning of the new Gaianthropic identity in the making.

Sean Kelly, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness at the California Insitute of Integral Studies (CIIS). He is the author of Becoming Gaia: On the Threshold of Planetary Initiation; Coming Home: The Birth and Transformation of the Planetary Era; and Individuation and the Absolute: Hegel, Jung, and the Path toward Wholeness; co-editor (with Richard Tarnas) of Psyche Unbound: Essays in Honor of Stanislav Grof; (with Donald Rothberg) of Ken Wilber in Dialogue: Conversations with Leading Transpersonal Thinkers; and (with Sam Mickey and Adam Robbert) of The Variety of Integral Ecologies: Nature, Culture, and Knowledge in the Planetary Era. He is also co-translator of French thinker Edgar Morin's book, Homeland Earth: A Manifesto for the New Millennium. Sean's current research areas include the evolution of consciousness, integral ecologies, and transpersonal and integral theory. Along with his more academic pursuits, Sean has trained intensively in the Chinese internal arts (taiji, bagua, and xingyi) and has been teaching taiji since 1990. He has also worked closely with Joanna Macy and is a trained facilitator in The Work that Reconnects.  

Our past Calendars

(recordings remain available for members)

Friday, September 22, 2023

7:00 pm Eastern (approx. 2-2 1/2 hours)

Dreams as Spiritual Practice

An Experiential Workshop

Presenter: Lionel Corbett, M.D., Jungian Analyst  

This experiential workshop invites participants to share an important dream, which we will look at from both a personal and an archetypal perspective.  Participants will be asked to share dreams, especially those that seem to have spiritual importance.

Attention to dreams can be an important form of spiritual practice. This is especially true when the dream imagery has a numinous quality of mystery, fascination, and awe. The dream is then acting as a personal revelation, providing the dreamer with contact with the spiritual dimension of the psyche, which Jung referred to as the collective unconscious. Such dreams often comment on an important issue in the life of the dreamer, and sometimes have cultural as well as personal significance.  

If you would like to bring a dream that you are willing to share with the group, please choose one that is not more than a page long. 

Dr. Lionel Corbett trained in medicine and psychiatry in England and as a Jungian Analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago. He is a professor of depth psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, in Santa Barbara, California. He is the author of six books: Psyche and the sacred: The religious function of the psyche; The sacred cauldron: Psychotherapy as a spiritual practice; The soul in anguish: Psychotherapeutic approaches to suffering, Understanding Evil: A guide for psychotherapists and The God-Image: from Antiquity to Jung. He is the co-editor of four volumes of collected papers: Psyche's Stories; Depth psychology, meditations in the field; Psychology at the threshold; and Jung and aging.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

9:30 am to 12:00 pm Eastern

A Jungian Approach to Spontaneous Drawing

Presenter: Patricia Elwood, Jungian Analyst  

In this presentation participants will learn to access spontaneity and to pursue the fantasies which appear, and which are direct communications from the unconscious. You will learn to explore the personal unconscious, and eventually the collective unconscious, and observe its effect on your own psyches. Participants will also discover the application and power of symbols, where your psychic energy wills to lead, and how to remodel the affect attached to trauma using symbolic material. This presentation proposes a journey into one’s own psyche using Jung’s example which he applied and taught to his friends and collaborators in his time. It will be an exciting and dynamic adventure!

Please bring drawing materials, colored pencils and paper or medium of your choice to the session.

To purchase book:

Patricia Anne Elwood is a Child, Adolescent, and Adult Jungian Analyst. Patricia did her analytic training at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich and trained in Sandplay with Dora Kalff. A teacher, author, lecturer, and researcher, Patricia has always been passionate about Jung’s own approach to spontaneity and the direct access it provides to the unconscious. She discovered that spontaneous drawing leads to unexpected revelations beyond the conscious, thinking mind and this became her field of exploration over several decades. Her book A Jungian Approach to Spontaneous Drawing, a Window on The Soul, was published by Routledge in 2020. She lives and practices in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Friday, November 10, 2023

7:00 pm Eastern (approx. 2-2 1/2 hours)

The Ghosts That Haunt Us: 

Can They Also Heal Us?

Presenter: Dennis Patrick Slattery, Ph.D.  

Jungian Analyst, James Hollis’ book, Hauntings: Dispelling the Ghosts Who Run Our Lives (2025), has inspired much interest in the ghosts that haunt us. These ghosts are embedded in the stories we tell ourselves, stories told to us that we accept without question, and form, in part, the myth we live by. We can be haunted as much by what we failed to do, what we were called to or destined to live out, but pushed away, saying, “Not now: I’m busy.”

We carry these hauntings through a significant portion of our lives, especially when we remain unconscious of their forceful presence. When we say no to essential callings, we freeze a part of who we are meant to be. We get stuck, and those stuck places act like knots in the fabric of our lives.

So, how do we untie these knots? First, we must identify them and ask: What has brought these knots into our lives? Then we can wonder about ways to befriend them rather than try to rid ourselves of them. In such a spirit of self-compassion, we may be able to untie these knots, experience a freer flow of our creative self and allow it to have its place in our evolving identity. This will be the starting point of our quest.

Dennis Patrick Slattery, Ph.D., is Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Mythological Studies at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, California. He is the author, co-author, editor, or co-editor of 33 volumes, including 7 volumes of poetry and one co-authored novel. He has taught for 55 years, the last 27 of which were at Pacifica Graduate Institute. He has also taught student inmates in a California prison for two years using Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces. He resides in New Braunfels, Texas with Sandy, his wife of 55 years, and their orange cat, Ginger. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

7:00 pm Eastern (approx. 2-2 1/2 hours)

Forgiveness: A Jungian Approach

Presenter: Renee Cunningham, MFT, Jungian Analyst

William Blake, Soul's Return To The Body

This presentation will begin with a summary of different psychological, spiritual, and philosophical theories on forgiveness, focusing on early development and the affects of attachment on one’s capacity to forgive. Theorists such as Mara Sidoli, Michale Fordham, Donald Winnicott, Esther Bick, and Melanie Klein will be discussed.

The cornerstone of the presentation will revolve around the Jungian approach to forgiveness as an important aspect of individuation, while circumambulating the idea of whether or not forgiveness is possible, and if so, to what extent?  Utilizing alchemy, fairytales and myth the presenter will amplify the archetypal experience of forgiveness. The participants will play a key role in the exploration and phenomenology of forgiveness through open general discussion with the presenter and in small breakout rooms and exercises.

In this program the attendees will:

-learn the definition of forgiveness and the difference between redemption, reconciliation and atonement, as these concepts apply to forgiveness.

-Understand the Jungian approach to forgiveness through an exploration of the alchemical concept of the coniunctio within fairytale and mythology.

-Will understand the fundamental relationship between the ego/S(s)elf and how this relationship may effect one’s capacity to forgive.

Renee Cunningham, MFT, Jungian Analyst,  is in private practice in Phoenix, Arizona, and has been a therapist for thrity years. She is a training analyst for the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, Texas;  the International Association for Jungian Studies and the International Association for Analytical Psychology. Renée has lectured throughout the United States,  been published in professional journals and and is the author of the book entitled Archetypal Nonviolence: Jung, King and Culture Through the Eyes of Selma, Routledge, 2020. 

Friday, May 3, 2024

7:00 pm Eastern (approx. 2-2 1/2 hours)

The Eloquence of Silence: 

Surprising Wisdom in Tales of Emptiness 

Presenter: Thomas Moore, Ph.D.

Through ancient and modern stories, Thomas Moore gently shows that our constant multitasking may not be getting us anywhere, and that emptiness is not a lack but an invitation that can be our greatest teacher. A daily awareness and appreciation of the quiet spaciousness in our world and our own lives is not a retreat from reality but a rich and full welcome to all that is most meaningful and real. From Thomas Moore's most recent and highly recommended book. 

Thomas Moore, Ph.D. is the author of the number one bestselling Care of the Soul and twenty-five other books on soul and spirit in everyday life. He was a Catholic monk in his youth and studied music composition. He earned his Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Syracuse University. He has been a psychotherapist and college professor and frequently speaks for Jung societies, spiritual groups and medical professionals. He writes fiction, arranges music and enjoys golf in New England, where he has lived for twenty-five years. 

Friday, September 16, 2022, 7:00 pm (approx. 2 hours)

The Absent Father Effect on Daughters: 

Father Desire, Father Wounds

with Susan Schwartz, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst  

The absent father effect is a love story, but an unrequited one. Harm is done due to the presence of his absence, affecting a daughter—and the father--in body, mind, and soul. For many reasons, the father is an essential aspect of the psyche and significant for the daughter’s psychological and physical life expressed personally and culturally. Topics of the psyche affected by the absent father include the negative father complex, puella archetype and examining the outdated concept of the animus. We will focus on the bleaker side of daughters and fathers’ relationship in order to shed light on the lack, symptoms, problems, as well as the repair and hope. 

Susan E. Schwartz, Ph.D., Jungian analyst and clinical psychologist is a member the International Association of Analytical Psychology. She has taught in numerous Jungian programs and presented at Conferences, workshops and lectures in the USA and many other countries. Susan has articles in several journals and chapters in books on Jungian analytical psychology. She has a current book published by Routledge in 2020 entitled, The Absent Father Effect on Daughters, Father Desire, Father Wounds. Her newest book, The Fragility of Self in the ‘As-If’ Personality: Imposter Syndrome and Illusions in the Mirror, will be published by Routledge in 2023. Her analytical private practice is in Paradise Valley, Arizona, USA and her website is:

Friday, October 14, 2022, 7:00 pm (approx. 2 hours)

In-between What Was and What Next: 

We Are In Liminal Time 

with Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D., Jungian Analyst  

Liminal defines the time in-between what was and what next.  All of us go through significant liminal times in our lives many times, sometimes alone, sometimes with others. From childhood on, major events happened to us or we made decisions that were life-affecting or life altering. There is no going back to "what was" when significant relationships are disturbed, or family, work, education, health, religion, are deeply affected. Usually liminal experiences are personal. But since the pandemic, “liminal” has affected everyone with differences only in degree.  Death, isolation, hostility, loneliness, despair, suicide, and addictions are a range of negative responses. But for others, especially those spiritual and creative people who are economically and physically safe and are aware of privilege and humility, the question of what to do now and "what next" can be deeply provocative of individuation—are you becoming who you were meant to be? 

Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. is a psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, an internationally known speaker and author of thirteen influential books in over one hundred foreign editions: The Tao of Psychology, Goddesses in Everywoman, Gods in Everyman, Ring of Power, Crossing to Avalon, Close to the Bone, Goddesses in Older Women, Crones Don’t Whine, The Millionth Circle, Like A Tree, Urgent Message From Mother, Moving Toward the Millionth Circle, and Artemis: The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman. She is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, a past Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of California San Francisco, and a former board member of the Ms. Foundation for Women, the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, and the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. She is a 2020-21   Lifetime Achievement Award honoree from Marquis Who’s Who.  Her website is:

Friday, November 11, 2022, 7:00 pm (approx. 2 hours)

Duende: The Demon and the Angel

Searching for the Source of Artistic Inspiration

with Edward Hirsch, Ph.D. 

A work of art, whether a painting, a dance, a poem, or a jazz composition, can be admired in its own right. But how does the artist actually create his or her work? What is the source of an artist’s inspiration? What is the force that impels the artist to set down a vision that becomes art?

Edward Hirsch explores the concept of duende, that mysterious, highly potent power of creativity that results in a work of art. With examples ranging from Federico García Lorca’s wrestling with darkness as he discovered the fountain of words within himself to Martha Graham’s creation of her most emotional dances, from the canvases of Robert Motherwell to William Blake’s celestial visions, Hirsch taps into the artistic imagination and explains — in terms illuminating and emotional — how different artists respond to the power and demonic energy of creative impulse. 

Edward Hirsch, Ph.D. is a celebrated poet and tireless advocate for poetry. He has published ten books of poetry, among them Lay Back the Darkness (2003), Special Orders (2008), The Living Fire: New and Selected Poems (2010), which brings together thirty-five years of poems, Gabriel: A Poem, a book-length elegy for his son (2014), and Stranger by Night (2020). He has published six books of prose including The Demon and the Angel which we're recommending for this program, How to Read a Poem and Fall in Love with Poetry (1999), a national bestseller, 100 Poems to Break Your Heart (2021) and The Heart of American Poetry (2022) . He has received numerous awards, including the National Book Critics Circle Award and a MacArthur Fellowship. A longtime professor, Hirsch is currently the president of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and lives in Brooklyn. His website is:

Friday, February 17, 2023, 7:00 pm (approx. 2 hours)

Body as Compass: Dreams & the Soul

with Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst

*Painting by Peter Malone

"In the deepest sense, we all dream not of ourselves, but out of what lies between us and the other." – C.G. Jung 

Our bodies and dreams may be our closest links to the unconscious, expressing the soul’s longing through image, breath, gesture, the rhythm of our step, and the music of our speech. Dreamdancing® allows access to these rich inner resources on a cellular level, reawakening our natural rhythms, instinctual wisdom, and the songs of the soul. 

Dreams carry treasures that enhance the meaning and depth of our life’s journey. Illuminating our inner landscape, they help us come to know disowned parts of ourselves, point to what we value, and provide guidance on our life path. Integrating C.G. Jung's Active Imagination approach with embodied methods, Dreamdancing® introduces the person to the inner world of body sensation, feelings, dreams and images as movement helps them build a bridge between body and psyche. 

Integrating presentation with experiential exploration, this evening will support you in nurturing body and soul through expressive movement, drawing, and writing. In preparation, you’re invited to let a healing image come to mind – something comforting, warming, or sacred that’s meaningful to you – from a dream, nature, an object on your altar, or something from your daily life.  And to have paper, pen, and colors on hand. 

Says Jung, “My soul, where are you? Do you hear me? I speak, I call you - are you there? I have returned, I am here again.”  No experience is necessary, only curiosity and openness to engage the unknown.    

Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., LMFT, LPCC, RSME/T, BC-DMT, is a Jungian analyst, Board Certified Dance/Movement therapist, Somatics Educator, and author. Past co-founder and faculty at the Authentic Movement Institute, and a founding faculty member of the Women’s Spirituality Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies, she teaches at the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, Jung Platform, the Marion Woodman Foundation, and at conferences for the International Association of Analytical Psychology.  With roots in theater and dance and 45 years of clinical experience, her numerous publications and webinars explore the integration of body, mind, psyche, soul, community and nature in healing and transformation. She is the founder of Soul’s Body® Center and teaches at universities and healing centers internationally. Her private practice is in San Francisco, with international virtual consultation.   Her website is:

April 14, 2023, 7:00 pm (approx. 2 hours)

Ukuku: The Bear-Man

Tales of an Andean Trickster

with Patricia Llosa, MFA, LP, Jungian Analyst 

Photo by Scott Webb on

Photo by Scott Webb on

High in the Andes, amongst peaks that almost touch the clouds thousands of pilgrims gather yearly as the Pleidades emerge in the skies celebrating both the Lord of the Glacier and a Catholic apparition.  Ukuku, a trickster figure, a hybrid bear-man functions as psychopomp and devoted guardian during this three day festival known as The Lord of the Snows. We will explore together the tale of how he came to be and how he continues to live as an archetypal presence throughout generations in ritual and perfomance.  

Patricia Llosa, MFA, LP, is a Peruvian-American Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City. She earned her undergraduate degree in archaeology and art history from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and did graduate work at The School of Visual Arts.  For more than 20 years she worked as an administrator and educator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  A graduate of Marion Woodman’s BodySoul Rhythms® Leadership Training Program, a Woodman Foundation Faculty Member and Board Member for 15 years she has taught workshops in Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Peru, and Spain. Presently, she serves on the board of The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism and is on the faculty of the Assisi Institute and the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association.  

Friday, September 17, 2021 

7:00 pm (approx. 2-2 1/2 hours)

A New Myth of God: Jung’s notion of the Self, 

compared to the Judeo-Christian God-image  

Presenter: Lionel Corbett, M.D., Jungian Analyst  

The traditional Judeo-Christian image of God is not satisfying to increasing numbers of people. Jung’s notion of the Self, an innate God-image within the psyche, offers an alternative. This presentation will describe some of the problems associated with traditional theistic God-images and explain Jung’s alternative approach. The lecture will describe the many symbolic manifestations of the Self and the ways it may be projected onto external savior figures or even onto people.  

Dr. Lionel Corbett trained in medicine and psychiatry in England and as a Jungian Analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago. He is a professor of depth psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, in Santa Barbara, California. He is the author of five books: Psyche and the sacred: The religious function of the psyche; The sacred cauldron: Psychotherapy as a spiritual practice; The soul in anguish: Psychotherapeutic approaches to suffering, and Understanding Evil: A guide for psychotherapists. He is the co-editor of four volumes of collected papers: Psyche's Stories; Depth psychology, meditations in the field; Psychology at the threshold; and Jung and aging.  

Friday, October 8, 2021

7:00 pm (approx. 2-2 1/2 hours)

The Tarot and Individuation

Presenter: Kenneth James, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst  

In this class, participants will be introduced to the Tarot, a divination tool that also serves as a facilitator of the process of Individuation as defined by C.G. Jung. The structure of the Tarot will be viewed as a depiction of aspects of the psyche, including the personal unconscious, the collective unconscious, and the relationships between those levels of the unconscious and the Ego complex. Basic Jungian ideas will be reviewed in the context of the cards, and the relationship between the Tarot and synchronicity will be discussed. Participants are encouraged to bring a set of the Rider Tarot deck with them to participate in some exercises with the cards. The recommended deck (the Rider Tarot, a.k.a. the Rider-Waite Tarot or the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot) is available on a number of online web sites.

Kenneth James, Ph.D. is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Chicago, Illinois. He is the founder and director of The Soulwork Center, dedicated to facilitating the process of individuation according to C.G. Jung. Dr. James received a Ph.D. in Communicative Sciences and Disorders from Northwestern University, and a Diploma in Analytical Psychology from the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago. Along the way, he studied vocal music at the American Conservatory of Music and learned a modality of music therapy known as The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music at the Institute for Consciousness and Music in Baltimore, Maryland. He also completed four years of post-doctoral study in theology and scripture at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Dr. James holds the rank of professor emeritus after a 33-year career as a university professor. He has served on the faculty at Roosevelt University, Northeastern Illinois University, and Northwestern University. He worked for many years as the Director of Student Services at the University of Chicago’s Laboratory Schools where he coordinated services for students with learning, emotional and behavioral needs, and he now devotes his professional time exclusively to the practice of Jungian analysis and the training of new analysts. Dr. James has led workshops around the world on the relationship between divination and synchronicity, and on the use of the Tarot to explore the unconscious. The relationship between Jungian thought, clinical practice, and esoterica has been a strong motif of his work throughout his career.

Friday, February 18, 2022

7:00 pm (approx. 2-2 1/2 hours)

Revisiting Beasts of the Southern Wild

Finding A New Hero For Our Future

A film discussion with Barbara Birge, Ph.D.

"Beasts of the Southern Wild" by Hutson Hayward is licensed with CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Heroes of old classically slayed the dragon as a means of achieving great feats. We can understand that, for an extended period of human evolution, such a metaphor may have represented a necessary attitude for achieving the human ego’s ascendence out of our primal origins. Of course, individually, we may still enact symbolic versions of this archetypal motif as we firm up our personal ego complex along our own developmental path. Could it be, however, that collectively we are on the verge of a more advanced attitude? In his book The Archetypal Cosmos, Keiron Le Grice, who addressed Charlotte Friends of Jung last year, suggests, “We are now perhaps starting to see the beginnings of a great reversal, an enantiodromia…when the rational ego must participate in the emergence of a deeper self, as a new mode of being is born.” If we are indeed on this cusp, we would expect it to be heralded by, or even incubated in, the realm of art and dreams, where the collective unconscious seems to make itself known. The 2012 film Beasts of the Southern Wild depicts such a shift. With its young, African-American female protagonist, this film presciently addresses a host of issues ranging from entrenched power differentials to impending global environmental catastrophe and, more deeply, imagines the classic hero’s journey forward.

On Friday night, we will discuss this film in depth with the expectation that attendees will have watched it prior to our program. (It is available through the Charlotte Mecklenburg library and for rental on Amazon Prime.) We will consider whether we are currently glimpsing “a great reversal” that is not a regression but another way forward as the film suggests. Our exploration of the film will echo themes not only from Keiron Le Grice’s work but also that of Richard Tarnas, another previous guest of our group and author of Cosmos and Psyche.

Charlotte psychotherapist Barbara Birge returns to Friends of Jung having led programs on varied topics, including numerous films, over the past 30 years. Barbara received her PhD from Pacifica Graduate Institute with specialization in Depth Psychology and has been in private practice since 1991.

Friday, March 25, 2022

7:00 pm (approx. 2-2 1/2 hours)

Analytical Psychology and the Inter-Relatedness of the Masculine, Feminine, DNA and Epigenetics in Contemporary Relationships.  

Presenter: Alvaro Giraldo, M.D., Jungian Analyst

Free Me by h.koppdelaney Hartwig HKD,  Flickr CC BY-ND 2.0

Jungian Analytical Psychology places at the core of relationships the formulation of the Anima/Animus (Eros/Logos) or contras-sexual unconscious of the Female/Male psyche. The complex dynamics in human relationships which are built around these concepts will be examined.

The formulation Anima/Animus implies contents of development that change with the times and evolution, as well as with the psychological transformation of the individual psyche and its personal growth. Unfortunately this formulation has at times been distorted and interpreted as a sexist view and denied its potential as a very constructive concept.

The Jungian formulations of Logos/Eros, Anima/Animus, can be “stripped” (Samuels) of their connections not only to sex but also to gender and become excellent tools for understanding the dynamics in human relationships.

An added biological understanding related to DNA functioning and its epigenetic control will be added, aiming for the enrichment and explanation of the content of these formulations.

Alvaro Giraldo came to the United States from Colombia 52 years ago.  Alvaro received his medical degree at the Javerina University in Bogota, Colombia.  Early in his career, he was tasked to work in “rural practice,” where he provided medical care to two small towns in the mountains and around the jungles of Colombia.  He considered this to be formative in his decision to come to the United States and deepen his career as a medical doctor.  Alvaro obtained a rotating internship at St. John Hospital in Detroit, MI.  This precipitated a long, productive career in the biological sciences. He received formal training in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, Immunology, and Molecular Biology (DNA-biology) at Wayne State University, Oncologic Pathology (with an emphasis on immunological malignancies) at M.D. Anderson Hospital (University of Texas), cardiac pathology studies at the NIH, in addition to other academic and research oriented endeavors.

 During these years of dedication to biological studies, there was a parallel inner-journey taking place, circumambulating around the religious and spiritual life.  This translated into formal training during nights and weekends with the Jesuits at Manresa (Univ. of Detroit).  This lasted several years until Alvaro was granted a diploma on Ignatian Spirituality and recognized as a Spiritual Director. Alvaro continued his studies at Ashland Theological Seminary (Ashland University, Ashland, OH) where he obtained a Master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling.

 After a few years of personal Jungian Psychoanalysis, Alvaro decided to enter into training to become a Psychoanalyst.  This task took 11 years.  He received his training at the Pittsburgh Jungian Institute, a program of the Inter Regional Society of Jungian Analysts (IRSJA) under the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP) in Zurich. Alvaro was granted the degree in Analytical Psychology (Jungian Psychoanalyst) in 2008.

It was during his training in Jungian psychology that he decided to retire from a 33 year medical practice and enter a residence training program in Psychiatry at Penn State University (PSU).  Alvaro became part of the faculty as Associate Professor and Associate Director of the Resident Training Program. After several years at Penn State he was invited to practice psychiatry at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC).  Alvaro held the positions of Associate Professor in Psychiatry as well as Jungian Analyst. 

Alvaro lived in Charleston for 13 years.  Alvaro recently resigned his position at MUSC and retired to tend to his private psychoanalytical practice.  He currently resides in Charlotte North Carolina with his wife of 50 years. They live close to their family. He is currently the president of the North Carolina Society of Jungian Analysts (NCSJA). Alvaro maintains his membership to multiple medical societies (mostly as Emeritus Member).  His medical career is distinguished with a long list of publications over the years. Currently, his main interests are concentrated around the marriage of matter and spirit, which is reflected in his graduation thesis as a Jungian Analyst.  The thesis was titled DNA and Archetypes, a labor of 9 years.

At the present time his personal life and private practice include and attempt to weave an interconnectedness between the biological, religious, psychological, and spiritual.

Friday, May 6, 2022

7:00 pm (approx. 2-2 1/2 hours)

SOUL THERAPY: Therapy in the Thick of Life 

Presenter: Thomas Moore, Ph.D.

Thomas Moore’s recent book Soul Therapy is a manual for the professional therapist from the soul point of view. It emphasizes depth exploration, meaning, purpose and a spiritual outlook. It also proposes a broadening of therapy, noting how everyone at times is a “therapist,” and it applies the fantasy of therapy to every aspect of society. He asks, “How can parents and business leaders speak therapeutically at crucial moments?” He also goes deep into the role of narrative, eros, sado-masochism, friendship, and the permeating presence of transference in all encounters. This presentation is for professionals and all people who engage in deep and caring conversations with family members, friends and coworkers.

Thomas Moore, Ph.D. is the author of the number one bestselling Care of the Soul and twenty-five other books on soul and spirit in everyday life. He was a Catholic monk in his youth and studied music composition. He earned his Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Syracuse University. He has been a psychotherapist and college professor and frequently speaks for Jung societies, spiritual groups and medical professionals. He writes fiction, arranges music and enjoys golf in New England, where he has lived for twenty-five years.

Friday, October 23, 2020

7:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Archetypal Cosmology and the Metamorphosis of the Gods

Presenter: Keiron Le Grice, Ph.D.  

Prometheus Brings Fire To Mankind, Painting by Heinrich Füger, Public Domain

How can we orient ourselves to the great archetypal powers and organizing principles of the universe? How can we understand the epochal shifts in our conception of God and our understanding of the spiritual dimension of life?

This talk describes a new vision of reality—an archetypal cosmology—arising from the intersection of Jungian psychology and perspectives in the new-paradigm sciences, and, with reference to this cosmology, then explains how we can use astrology to track the changing archetypal patterns and themes of individual experience and cultural history. Focusing especially on the archetypal principles associated with Neptune and Pluto, we will consider specifically how astrology can help us to understand the historical evolution of religious and mythic consciousness in our own time, or what Jung described as the “metamorphosis of the gods.”

Keiron Le Grice is a professor of depth psychology in the Jungian and Archetypal Studies specialization at Pacifica Graduate Institute, California, where he teaches courses on archetypes, individuation, alchemy, synchronicity, and the history of depth psychology. He was educated at the University of Leeds, England (B.A. honors, Philosophy and Psychology) and the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco (M.A., Ph.D., Philosophy and Religion). He is the author of five books––The Archetypal Cosmos, Discovering Eris, The Rebirth of the Hero, Archetypal Reflections, and the forthcoming alchemical memoir The Lion Will Become Man. He is also co-editor of Jung on Astrology, a compilation of Jung’s writings on this topic. Keiron’s work has been central to the development of the field of archetypal cosmology. He is the founder and former co- editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology, now serving as senior editorial advisor, and in 2016 he co-founded the Institute of Transpersonal and Archetypal Studies (ITAS) with colleagues in the U.S. and the U.K. Keiron lives in Ojai, California.

Friday, November 13, 2020

7:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Dream Tending: 

Tapping into The Innate Intelligence of Dreams

Presenter: Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D.

Dr. Aizenstat will emphasize the "generative" qualities of dreams. Dreams prepare us for what is to come. And, in times of uncertainty and challenge, this support and guidance is invaluable.  

Dr. Aizenstat will convey the primary underpinnings of his approach to working with dreams. He will discuss a "tool kit" describing the methods needed to tend personal dreams as well as those of others. Common dream themes like Flying, Falling, the Intruder, Finding Valuables, Water, Animals, Death, Birth, Journey and many others will be explored and explained. He will delineate how to tap into the "innate intelligence" of your dreams, and demonstrate his approach by working with dreams of participants. 

Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., has devoted his life to understanding the profound wisdom and healing power that exists within each of us. Through our dreams and imagination, we access limitless creativity, innovation, improved relationships, and ultimately our human potential.

Professor Aizenstat’s Dream Tending methodologies have helped thousands of people to unlock their deep imagination, increase intellectual and emotional bandwidth and to realize personal and professional goals. He asks us to experiment with a worldview that playfully and soulfully sees the world as alive and always dreaming…in an attitude of wonderment, curiosity and presence. This inquiry was a driving force in Dr. Aizenstat’s creation of Pacifica Graduate Institute, a center for the study of the human experience through depth psychology, mythology, and the humanities.

Professor Aizenstat has served as an organizational consultant to leading Tech Companies, Hollywood films, community and educational institutions, and he has lectured extensively on the subject of dreams, the deep imagination, new technologies, and organizational development. He is affiliated with the Earth Charter International project through the United Nations, where he has spoken. Professor Aizenstat has been mentored by and collaborated with many notable masters in the field including Joseph Campbell, James Hillman, Marion Woodman and Robert Johnson. He has conducted sold-out Dream Tending seminars, workshops and “pop-up” events in the U.S. Asia and Europe.

Friday, February 12, 2021

7:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Shadow Vows: What we don’t say when we say “I do”

Presenter: Elizabeth Èowyn Nelson, Ph.D. 

Photo by Fallon Michael from Pexels

The word “vow” conjures images of two people making promises to one another in marriage, probably the most important and durable commitment of their lives. As the relationship unfolds, the vows can become a relic of the past or a guide to daily life. In either case, accompanying every spoken vow is an unspoken and unconscious shadow vow: what we don’t say when we say “I do.” 

The lecture, with author Elizabeth Èowyn Nelson (Psyche’s Knife, 2012), introduces shadow vows and demonstrates their influence on the couple’s thinking and behavior. It also explores how “marriage “is a metaphor for emotionally-committed relationships of all kinds—to professional roles, creative projects, and passionate causes. It is the exceptional person who thinks about vows to their job, that unfinished novel, or their own soul. These other “marriages” are shaped more commonly by unspoken vows, carrying a great deal of shadow. The “marriages” often live uneasily with one another: conflict is inevitable and necessary. Thus attempting to live our vows, both spoken and unspoken, illuminates the rocky and profound aspects of the art of life, “the most distinguished and rarest of all the arts” (Jung, CW 8, para 789). 

Elizabeth Èowyn Nelson, faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute since 2003, has been a professional writer and editor for more than 30 years. Dr. Nelson’s books include Psyche’s Knife: Archetypal Explorations of Love and Power (Chiron, 2012) and The Art of Inquiry: A Depth Psychological Perspective (Spring Publications, 2017), coauthored with Joseph Coppin. In addition to teaching and speaking internationally, she coaches aspiring authors across a variety of genres and styles.

Friday, March 19, 2021

7:00 pm to 9:30 pm

How Imagination Makes Knowledge Through Art Practice in any Medium: 

Jung and Arts-Based Research

Presenter: Susan Rowland, Ph.D.

Jung may have rejected art, but the new research paradigm of Arts-Based Research (ABR) has decided that his The Red Book (2009) is a pioneering text. ABR is the rediscovery and discovery of forms of knowing and new knowledge through art practice. Arts-based research is not art therapy, even though it uses some of the same methods of experiential creative work. Rather, arts-based research is a successor to alchemy as a way of knowing and being that sees no split between art and science. Jungian psychology offers the existing literature on arts-based research a language and further skills on its primary ontology of the psychic image, intuition, embodied knowing and collaboration with the universe. In turn, arts-based research shows that Jungian psychotherapy can be done with the world (not just in the consulting room). For ABR produces artifacts that have their own future life and being. Included in the lecture will be an experiential exercise using dream images and poetry. If possible, do have a recent dream in mind for when we meet.

Susan Rowland Ph.D. teaches Jungian psychology and the arts at Pacifica Graduate Institute where she is co-Chair of the Engaged Humanities MA and faculty on the doctoral program in Jungian and Archetypal Studies. She has published ten books on Jung, creativity, ecology, gender and the arts and her latest is Jungian Arts-Based Research and The Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico with Joel Weishaus (2020). She was the founding chair of the International Association for Jungian Studies (IAJS). Her own arts-based research practice is writing detective novels. 

Friday, April 30, 2021

7:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Intimations in the Night: 

An Archetypal Perspective on Psyche and Spirit in the Aging Process 

Presenter: Michael Conforti, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst

 "Normal development involves to a large extent the surrender of creativity in favor of a recognition of generally accepted cultural values and the sacrifice of individuality to an adjustment to the requirements of the collective ... yet the survival and the creative endurance of this sacrifice provides the indispensable basis for the individuation process of the second half of life, which is world embracing in the true sense of the world ..." (Erich Neumann, in Creative Man, page 212) * 

When entering the autumn and winter of life, we often experience a profound lack of orientation.  So many of our meaningful accomplishments from the first of life now begin to lose their luster, and those aspirations and dreams which set our hearts on fire, are now eclipsed by these new and strange emotions, and desires suddenly emerging from the shadows. 

The needs and emotions of this autumn and winter of life speaks to us in a foreign tongue.  The fires and passions of youth and the middle years are now reduced to smoldering embers, and with these, the hunger for so much of what we wanted in life quickly fades into the domain of memory.  These embers no longer warm our heart and soul.  Now the only truly accurate rendering and intimations of this life now calling us, is found in our dreams, our frustrations, symptoms, and those cravings for what Rabbi Heschel calls the "ineffable." 

And then there is the role of psyche and soul in this aging process, whereby the voice and needs of The Self now speak louder than the youthful chorus still clamoring for an outdated way of life.  In Hemingway’s last major work of fiction, The Old Man and the Sea, we find this dialogue between ego and Self, and those yearnings of our younger self confronting the reality of who we are now as an older person.  Through the old man’s journey and reluctant recognition that he now must view his life against the backdrop of a life vastly different from what it once was, he now has to make a number of crucial and life threatening decisions.  And it is this old man's refusal to respond to the calling of the ineffable and the consequences of his actions, that actually teaches us a profound lesson about the aging process.  Standing face to face with the reality that we have aged, and now face certain limitations, we are challenged to hear those painful lamentations of ego and youth as we move into this later and eventually final stage of life.  Now it is imperative to know what it is that we so deeply love and cherish, need to preserve, and then recognize those aspects of life we need to relinquish, as they no longer satisfy the mandates of the Self.  Perhaps here we will see how those roaring fires of our earlier years are transformed by the richly grained oak and maple woods whose warmth provides us with a sustained heat.  Perhaps now with this new perspective of life’s journey and where we are on this road allows us to finally take that winter house rental overlooking the Aeolian sea. 

* I want to thank Loralee Conforti for this Neumann reference 

Dr. Michael Conforti is a Jungian analyst and the Founder and Director of The Assisi Institute. He is a faculty member at the C.G. Jung Institute, New York, Jung Institute, Boston, and for many years served as a Senior Associate faculty member in the Doctoral and Master's Programs in Clinical Psychology at Antioch New England.

A pioneer in the field of matter-psyche studies, Dr. Conforti is actively investigating the workings of archetypal fields and the relationship between Jungian psychology and the New Sciences. He has presented his work to a wide range of national and international audiences, including the C.G. Jung Institute - Zurich and Jungian organizations in Australia, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Italy, Russia, and Venezuela.

He is the author of Threshold Experiences: The Archetype of Beginnings (2007) and Field, Form and Fate: Patterns in Mind, Nature and Psyche (2002), which have been translated into Italian, Russian and a soon to be released Spanish edition. His articles have appeared in Psychological Perspectives, San Francisco Jung Library Journal, Roundtable Press, World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution, and Spring Journal.